Saturday, January 23, 2016

Judge Landis Gives Shoeless Joe the Smackdown

This week also marks the a denial for Shoeless Joe Jackson and his hopes of reinstatement. In 1932 (well after the infamous World Series), Jackson was shot down by Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis, despite his pleas of innocence in the Black Sox Scandal fix. In fact, current Commissioner Rob Manfred said that he would not overrule the decision of Landis or the other commissioners who decided against Jackson's innocence. So, it looks like the giant arms of Major League Baseball will never embrace one of the greatest hitters of his or any generation. At least Jackson acted humble and appreciated what he had lost, unlike another tarnished player I can think of...

Today in Hall of Fame History

Some of the greatest players in baseball history were selected for the Hall of Fame on January 23rd. Here is a rundown of players:
Bob Feller - Selected in 1962 (1st Year of Eligibility)
Jackie Robinson - Selected in 1962 (1st Year of Eligibility)
Joe 'Ducky' Medwick - Selected in 1968
Ralph Kiner - Selected in 1975
Willie Mays - Selected in 1979 (1st Year of Eligibility)

Quite a group selected on January 23rd!

Monday, January 4, 2016

What Do We Know About Doc Adams?

Is the 'Cigar Guy' from Ken Burns' Baseball the young face of Doc Adams? Check out this breakdown from